Des Roues de Bicyclettes qui laissent des Traces

Via DoobyBrain
Contrail is a concept bicycle device that attaches above the wheel of a bike and covers the bicycle wheel with a layer of chalk. The chalk then creates a trail or mark on the surface of the road, turning the bike into a sort of large drawing utensil. The concept, developed by Pepin Gelardi of Studio Gelardi focuses around the idea of safety in numbers. By using this device, bicyclists will have a clearer path on which to ride safely and out of the way of vehicular traffic. At the same time, as more bicyclists using the Contrail go over a line created by a cyclist before them, the line gets brighter allowing drivers to clearly see a marked bike path where there might be none. It’s sort of similar to what happens when a dirt path appears in a grassy field after lots of people have taken the same shortcut over a period of time.
Below are two images of what the Contrail would look like in production. The first image shows a cross-section of the unit and how it works and the second image is an early production model.
I’m not too sure about the whole “safety” part of this concept, but I do think the Contrail is a nice way to visually enhance city streets. Imagine seeing colorful lines all over the pavement instead of just regular black or grey asphalt. I’d like that very much!
Maintenant rouler bourré laissera des traces !!!
Giom says;
C’est sympa mais faudrait pas que ça rende la lisibilité du marquage au sol encore plus compliquée…